Membership Guidelines
The house is located at 2000 Highway One, unit #202 Dewey Beach, DE 19971-2433.
Members of the house agree to be personally liable and responsible for any damages caused by
him or herself or his/her guest(s). Members also agree to be personally liable and responsible for
any fines levied against the house that is the direct result of his/her or his/her guest(s)’s actions
or behavior.
The house is run by a management team. The management team has the right to terminate a
member’s share without refund at any time for due cause, including but not limited to physical
violence, destruction of personal or real property, sexual harassment, and theft, through
unanimous consent.
Members further acknowledge and agree to abide by the following house rules:
A. Share Descriptions, Payment and Membership
Full Share Membership - $1800. This includes all weekends and 1 full holiday week on a first come first serve basis.
Pursuant to the lease, full shares are not allowed to permanently reside at the house.
Half Share Membership - $1300. This includes twelve (10) total pre-selected weekends and 1 full holiday week on a first come first serve basis and two (2) additional weekends for a guest fee.
Quarter Share Membership - $650. This includes five (5) total pre-selected weekends on a first come first serve basis and two (2) additional weekends for a guest fee.
Our seasons from Memorial Weekend until October 31, 2022.
Payment deadline is April 1, 2022.
Members must be respectful to each other at all times.
Beds: We will use assigned bedrooms for each weekend. The sheet will be sent out via email prior to the weekend. No member is to enter the property before 6 PM on Friday unless specified in the weekly E-vite. The renters have the house until then for the weeks we rent. And you must be out of the house by 5 PM on Sunday unless otherwise noted in the weekly E-vite.
Members have priority over guests for beds. After midnight, though, guests may move into empty beds for the night. If you know you’ll be arriving late, let someone know we will be sure there’s a bed space saved for you.
All members must announce their arrival by responding to the weekly Evite to have priority in sleeping arrangements.
Renters are due to arrive at 7 PM Sunday and have the house until 5 PM Friday. We respect their privacy. Any members arriving early Friday afternoon should not enter until the scheduled time without prior approval.
Sometimes on Sundays, the weekly guests arrive early and stop by to say hello or check in. Invite them to do so. Remember, they’ve just driven multiple hours in a hot car, probably with several children. If they want to use the bathroom or change for the beach, try to be accommodating (within reason.)
Membership and Payment: to become a house member you must:
1. Meet or speak with at least 1 member of the management team
2. Submit a signed copy of this document to the house manager at ecmccants@yahoo.com
3. Submit your payment to: Erica McCants, 7463 Towchester Ct., Alexandria, VA 22315
New member spots are filled on the first-come-first-serve basis.
Existing members cut off payment date is April 1, 2022. If an existing member is not paid
in full by this date, unless arrangements have been made, his/her spot will become open for potential members who want to join.
B. Guest Policy
Guests: Your guests are welcome. We try to keep our guest policy flexible, so consideration of house members is the rule. It is suggested that the same guest not be brought more than four times a summer. On holiday weekends we may restrict having guests based upon the number of members present. We also reserve the right to request a guest not return. You may only have 1 guest at a time unless prior approval is given by management.
So there is no confusion, please let management know at least two weeks in advance if you plan to bring a guest. We schedule and limit the number of guests for each weekend based upon space availability.
Guests must be sponsored by a member who is actually present. Warn your friends that they are not guaranteed a bed! Your guests are your responsibility—this includes guest fees and demeanor. Guest fees are due to a coordinator Friday of that weekend. People who do not adhere to this policy will have their guest privileges revoked.
Guest Fees:$85.00 for the weekend (Friday and Saturday) and $125.00 for holiday weekends (regardless if they stay 2 or 3 nights)
$40.00 for week nights and $45.00 for weekend nights
Half Shares are welcome to come as guests on “off-weekends” any two additional weekends, but please notify a coordinator in advance to avoid confusion.
C. Parking
We have no assigned parking spots for members. The 2 assigned spaces in the back of the house for the management. Do not park in these spaces without prior approval from Management. There is on-street parking on the side of the house, but a Dewey Beach permit is required or you will be ticketed and possibly towed! You must be sure your guests get a weekend permit.
Seasonal parking permits are required for on-street parking in Dewey Beach and are available for
purchase from City Hall at 105 Rodney Street.
D. Noise/Pets/Drugs
Noise violations are given out frequently and for very little cause in Dewey Beach. These
violations can run up to $800 and a second infraction may result in eviction. If a noise violation
occurs you will be responsible if you and your guests are the only people involved.
Pets: Are not allowed per the lease.
Drugs, Smoking and Illegal substances: Not permitted anywhere in the house. Violation of this results in immediate non-refundable banishment from the Blue Surf house.
E. Storage/Food/Cleaning
Keys, Closets, Storage: Keys to the house are located in the lock box on the front door. Management also has a house key.
1) There is a shelf in the utility room with the washer and dryer to store paper goods and soda.
2) We have a member’s closet so if you wish to leave some personal goods they must be in a small marked bin that can be left for the next week.
Refrigerator: The refrigerator must be completely cleared on Sunday (except for the door shelves reserved for house staples.)
Before you leave on Sunday, please take a minute to check the refrigerator and dispose of your own things.
PLEASE do not overload the refrigerator with warm items when getting to the house on Friday, especially “liquids” in cartons. Use the grey cooler on the porch with ice to chill down your warm beverages.
Grill: We are prohibited from grilling on the deck.
House Supplies: The house does not supply food. Unless food/alcohol is clearly labeled with your name, it is available for house consumption. If the house is sponsoring food or a party it will be noted on the weekends E-vite. The house supplies some beer and alcohol, general and necessary paper products, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent and coffee. If we’re out of something please let management know.
Cleaning Service: The cleaning service is scheduled for every other Sunday at 5 PM (except our vacation weeks) from late-June thru Labor Day. Other weeks are scheduled as needed; usually mid-week if the house is not rented. Be sure to check if unclear. Everyone must be out by the time they arrive at 5PM and never send them away or ask that they return later; unless they’re so early cleaning would be impossible. Please be diplomatic and flexible.
The cleaning rate does not include doing leftover dishes; nor does it include taking out a weekends worth of trash or pitching a full refrigerator. So please clean up after yourself on Sunday’s.
F. Misc.
Television: We will have cable service and wireless internet provided. Internet codes are located on the cable box.
Climate Control: Functions best when left on one moderate setting day and night. Adjust the vent in your room, use the window, but please DO NOT CHANGE THE THERMOSTAT.
Laundry: A washer and dryer are provided for your usage. Please rinse bathing suits and beach towels of all sand before putting them in the washer or dryer. The laundry area must be cleared of personal belongings on Sundays.
Premises Problems: If there’s a problem with the physical premises, notify a manager, who will notify the rental company. In the absence of a coordinator, common sense must prevail. Check with one of us if possible, or do what’s necessary at the moment.
Management Privileges: The house manager pays a full share and any additional cost that are not covered by membership payments (and has accepted general financial and organizational responsibility). The benefit for these efforts is the master bedroom and a parking space out back.