House Rules
No smoking in the house (only permitted outdoors).
No pets (including monkeys, pet parakeets, roosters, pythons, or mermaids).
You boot, you mop.
Beds - Members have priority over ALL guests. Members sign up for rooms on Fridays. Room list is posted on the fridge. If the house isn't full by midnight then guests can take a bed.
You are responsible for making sure your guest pays when they arrive (and for their behavior).
There are two parking spots that come with the house for the coordinators. If both are not coming for the weekend, and a space is available, members may utilize it. Everyone else (guests included!) can park out in front .... with a parking pass.
No loud music after 10:30. There is a very strict noice ordinance, and Erica has no desire to go to court.
Be nice to our neighbors.
DRUGS and ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES: Not permitted anywhere in the house. Violation of this results in immediate non-refundable banishment from the Blue Surf house.
A queen size bed counts as two bed spots, so expect to share it with another member.
Be considerate of others, especially after 2am and before 10am.
If it's not yours, don't use it, drink it, or eat it.
In order to maintain the value of our memberships, the same guest cannot visit more than 4 times during the summer. Guests are not allowed to bring down other guests.
We also ask each house member to review and sign our Membership Guidelines.